When do you tell everyone you're pregnant?
Having had to fake feeling wonderful to avoid suspicion for two days I am worn out and glad my parents are gone. It would have been so much easier to tell them, I'm fine, really, I'm just pregnant. I barely made it through supper on Sunday night. I had a couple of moments where I nearly ran for the bathroom. I couldn't eat as much as I normally would so I made some excuse about having made New Years resolutions to lose weight and cut back on caffeine. I love my parents but was relieved they weren't staying long. Only they decided to get a hotel and stay another full day.
They're gone now. Now I can lounge around in my comfy pants and get things done between the bouts of wanting to hang my head in the toilet. I am so grateful to have that luxury. I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom. I don't know if I could make it going to work everyday. My hats off to the pregnant employed.
Being home all day with the kids has its own challenges. My children are 13 and 10, old enough to pick up on changes in Mom's behaviour. They know I haven't been feeling good the last couple of weeks. They think I have a bug. I want to tell them that I'm pregnant but I worry that I might get their hopes up. I miscarried twice last year. Once at 12 weeks, at the time you figure you're finally safe. We were just about to tell everybody that time, kids included, that we were expecting. It's hard to know when to tell people.
I am thinking I might tell the girls earlier this time. Martin has tomorrow off, I think we should do it then. Friends and family can wait. As long as my kids can keep a secret. That's another thing. It's a pretty big secret to keep. I don't think they would intentionally let the cat out of the bag, but they're still young.
As for everyone else, it's not that I don't want them to know. It's just that it would be too hard to tell them I'm not pregnant anymore if something did happen. And to hear their comments, their I'm so sorrys, their it's probably for the bests. Honestly, the more I think about it I'd rather not tell anyone until it's obvious. I might just do that.
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