Saturday, 7 January 2012

Morning, Noon and Night Sickness

The past two weeks have been trying.  I've had a lot of morning sickness.  Not the kind where you suddenly feel sick and run to the bathroom, throw up and feel relieved.  Does that kind of morning sickness even exist?  Or is that Hollywood morning sickness, the kind you see in movies?  It's definitely not the kind of morning sickness that I have.  I have the all day, never goes away kind.  I am nauseous virtually morning to night, but  I can't get to the point where I'll vomit.  I've always had a strong stomach.  I can't make myself throw up even though I know I would probably feel better if I did.  I think I may have a vomiting phobia.  There's probably a word for that.

The things I normally love to eat I don't even want to look at anymore.  Like coffee and sweets.  Which is good, because I know those aren't the things I should be eating anyway.  But all sorts of smells are bothering me: the smell of the vacuum, the smell in the bathroom after someone brushed their teeth, my perfume.

To combat the nauseau I've been breaking my meals in half and eating twice as often.  If I keep something in my stomach all the time it doesn't seem to be as bad.  And I've been sipping water throughout the day, too.

This isn't as bad as when I was pregnant a year ago.  I began dutifully taking prenatal vitamins then but couldn't handle the iron.  So not only did I have morning sickness, but the high iron content made my stomach very sore and made it almost impossible to go to the bathroom on top of that.  That is why I haven't started taking the prenatal vitamins just yet.  Instead I've been taking folic acid.  I'll start the prenatals after my morning sickness is gone.  The doctor says my body doesn't need those large doses of iron just yet.

Today is not too bad.  I woke up feeling better than I have been lately.  I even gobbled down a couple of slices of French toast this morning.  I'm hoping it will last.  At least for the weekend.  My parents are visiting from out of town tomorrow.  They don't know that I'm pregnant.  Martin and I didn't want to tell anyone just yet.  We're supposed to be going out for Chinese tomorrow night.  I really want to feel good and not arouse anyone's suspicions.

Right now I will take advantage of this feeling-better day, get some housework done and get out and enjoy the nice weather.

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